Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Perantau Di Jalan Allah

Perantau musafir perjuangan
Tabahkanlah hatimu
Berjuang di rantau orang
Sedih pilu hanya engkau yang tahu

Ingatlah anak dan isteri
Janganlah menghiris hatimu
Kerinduan desa nan permai
Janganlah melemahkan semangat juangmu

Di waktu ujian badai terus melanda
engkau tetap gigih berjuang
membenarkan sabda junjungan
Terus memburu menuntut janji

Pastilah Islam gemilang lagi

Tapi pejuang kembara perjuangan

Ujian bukan batu penghalang
Kerana itulah syarat dalam berjuang

Oh pejuang
Di manapun ada ketenangan
Di manapun ada kebahagiaan
Bila insan kenal pada Tuhan
Kasih sayang dan pembelaan-Nya
bagi insan yang menyerahkan
Jiwa dan raga, anak dan isteri
Kepada Allah

p/s: Masa keluar jalan Allah, jangan duk rindu keluarga, anak kampung dll..Betulkan fikr, insyaAllah hidayah tersebar seluruh alam...


Anonymous said...

it is good to see that you can still keep your life motivated...how many people can do that...most of farisians,be abroad or whenever else,they happened to be weak when living far away from the school...their enthusiasm just do not go as what it was supposed to.in the end they slowing down their momentums,wasting a lot of time...resulting them in dissapointing episode...never have expected your "jati diri" was strong and consolidated

Ridzuan Ariffin said...

When we set our goal only to please Allah s.w.t, even we are the only person standing in this world to do this job(dakwah ilaAllah), we still must do it. High school is just the beginning of everything. We didn't know much about Islam, and we only think of it as an act of worship or so called "adat".However, the truth will come when we travel, we see what is the condition of the ummah, poder & reflect back what we've done in the past.

Ridzuan Ariffin said...

btw, who are you?


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